Monday, December 6, 2010


You Know What's Annoying When A Female says She Don't Want Nothing To do With A Boy.! Buh as Soon As The Boy Is Next TO Them Or Something They all Like Yes Okay babe.! Like Pick One You Going To Stay With him Then Dont Complain Or You Leaving Him And Not Coming Back.! Im Tired Of These RUNNER BACKERS ..... Like Whats Up With Yah.!

                     That Why Boys Don't Sweat Chicks Cause Yah Come back To Them Mad Easy.! Dont do What Yah Say To Them.! So Why Sweat Yah If Yah Coming Back .!

Ladies Why Do We Let Men Walk All Over Us.! They Ain't Useful .... You Can Get Your Own Money...... So Answer Me Why.?

1 comment:

Prince said...

Well, i feel like a little interrupting here, but i would like to say that being in a lovely relationship is different thing, but just selecting a guy because he is smart or because he has huge bank account is not going to get you anywhere.
The special thing about a relationship is CARE for each other and its pure in nature.